Monday, April 23, 2012

Welcome to South and Southeast Asia


South Asia, also known as Southern Asia, is the southern region of the Asian continent, which comprises the sub-Himalayan countries and, for some authorities, also includes the adjoining countries to the west and the east. Topographically, it is dominated by the Indian Plate, which rises above sea level as the Indian subcontinent south of the Himalayas and the Hindu Kush. South Asia is surrounded (clockwise, from west) by Western Asia, Central Asia, Eastern Asia, Southeastern Asia and the Indian Ocean.

According to the United Nations geographical region classification, Southern Asia comprises the countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. By other definitions and interpretations, Burma and Tibet are also sometimes included in the region of South Asia. South Asia is home to well over one fifth of the world's population, making it both the most populous and most densely populatedgeographical region in the world. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation is an economic cooperation organization in the region.

Major Religions in the Region: 

Afghanistan[1]Muslim (99%), other inc. Hindu and Sikh (1%)
Bangladesh[77]Muslim (90%), Hindu (9%), Christian (.5%), Buddhist (.5%), Believers in tribal faiths (0.1%)
British Indian Ocean Territory[78]Christian (45.55%), Hindu (38.55%), Muslim (9.25%), Non-Religious (6.50%), Atheist (0.10%), Other (0.05%)
Bhutan[79]Buddhist (75%), Hindu (25%)
Burma[80]Theravada Buddhist (89%), Muslim (4%), Christian (4%) (Baptist 3%, Roman Catholic 1%), Animist (1%), others (including Hinduism) (2%)
India[81][82]Hindu (80.5%), Muslim (13.4%), Christian (2.3%), Sikh (1.9%), Buddhist (0.8%), Jain (0.4%), Others (0.6%)

Maldives[84]Sunni Muslim (100%) (One must be a Sunni Muslim to be a citizen on the Maldives[85][86])
Nepal[87]Hindu (80.6%), Buddhist (10.7%), Muslim (4.2%), Kirat (3.6%)
Pakistan[88]Muslim (96.28%), Hindu (1.85%), Christian (1.59%), Ahmadi (0.22%)
Sri Lanka[89]Theravada Buddhist (70.42%), Hindu (10.89%), Muslim (8.78%), Catholic (7.77%), Other Christian (1.96%), Other (0.13%)


Southeast Asia is a subregion of Asia, consisting of the countries that are geographically south of China, east of India, west of New Guinea and north of Australia. The region lies on the intersection of geological plates, with heavy seismic and volcanic activity. Southeast Asia consists of two geographic regions: Mainland Southeast Asia, also known as Indochina, comprises Cambodia, Laos, Burma (Myanmar), Thailand, Vietnam andPeninsular Malaysia, and Maritime Southeast Asia, which is analogous to the Malay Archipelago, comprises Brunei, East Malaysia, East Timor,IndonesiaPhilippinesChristmas Island, and Singapore.
Geographically Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan are sometimes grouped in the Southeast Asia subregion, although such grouping is rare politically, since in political usage the definition of Southeast Asia is overshadowed by ASEAN memberships. The same is true for the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India, and occasionally regions of the Seven Sister States such as Manipur.
Austronesian peoples predominate in this region. The major religions are Buddhism and Islam, followed by Christianity. However, a wide variety of religions are found throughout the region, including many Hindu and animist-influenced practices.



  1. I thaught it was amazing how big the archatecture was and how long it took. Just to think those buildings are bigger than some of the U.S. buildings. The buildings spread more than 100 acres. That is like one of the seven wonders of the world to me.
    Tyler Phillips

  2. I thought it was crazy that an eighteen year old was a teacher of a class. He was a computer teacher at that. Wouldn't that be crazy if our computer teacher was 18?
    -Ryan Tolbert

  3. I ws suprised that so many of the kids went to school and didnt stay home to work. I wouldnt like to have all of the water problems that they have. I like how they work together to help each other. I want to help the kids in any way that I can.

  4. I still can't believe that there are so many water issues in Cambodia. I mean I don't know if I did the math wrong or what but that would be I think 10 families to a well, at least. He even said that some are broken, and there is trash in some. I wish I could do something about it.
    ~Eliza Allen

  5. i cant belive they have garbege in their water that would be weird if you drank the water knowing that there is lots of dirty garbege in it. and then some of the wells are broken and dont work and they try to fix it but dosent work.and there are like 200 families.
    -leann fox

  6. What i really liked about the video is that the kids that we saw they made dinner for there whole family! I bet thats a mothers dream! They really didnt seem like they were that poor except for the first one. They just didnt have much water. But i mean they had like computers and everything, learning to use powerpoint and excel. That guy on the third video was 17 and he was already a computer teacher. Thats kinda early if you ask me!


  7. Dear Ms. Racanelli,
    On the blog i saw the videos and i liked them alot but they were sad a little and its cool how they work so hard. I was going to put this on the comment thing but it wouldnt let me and it was gettin g confusing so that is why I sent this email  bye.
    yours truly,

  8. Hi Mrs R.
              I liked how the kids worked hard for their families,But i dont think i would be able to go through the schedual that they had.


  9. learned a lot about the people in Cambodia.
    VIDEO 1
    Wow! there are 200 family's and only 20 wells that work. Water  is a very valuable and important resource.That kid is young, and he is already working with the crops. My sister is 7 and she can't even tie her own shoes never mind  working in the fields. Aawwww! the kids playing in the water is so cute.
    VIDEO 2
    They eat eggs in the morning almost like us. Wow! I didn't know they had computers, or bicycles!She does much work and chores during the day. She stays up reading and doing other things before she goes to bed at 10:00pm.
    VIDEO 3
    Wow! he is pretty old, and cooks too. Look at the clothes he wears when he goes to teach. He is a teacher, and he is only 17 years old. He teaches technical information about computers. He does a lot at such a young age. In America kids that are 17 are still in school or colleges, but instead he is the teacher and is teaching. He has a jam packed day.
    From Remi

  10. Dear Ms.Racanelli I was confused on were to post the our responses so I am
    just going to have you that for me so I learned that they are very poor and
    when they are seventeen or maybe younger that they have to cook for their family and in on video one person even had to teach to help his family I felt very bad for him because he has to live like that. I liked that in the second video how the little kids were playing in the water. It was really sad that people have to live like that when we are just taking advantage of everything I wish more people had what we had but, I know that people are SLOWLY getting all the things we have had for a long time.

  11. watched the videos and I can't believe they are that poor. The 18 year old is taking care of and supporting his family. This video made me want to crie.


  12. how many wells do they need? What are the wells made of? What are their homes made of? How old is the girl in the second video? How many people live in one house hold? What age do people start working.
    from makenzie

  13. I could not belive that there is trash in their water. Only some of the wells there work a bunch are broken and worn down they try to fix them but they don't know how to and they don't have the tools that they need to fix them with.
    Hunter Simco

  14. I couldn't belive that they only had certain amounts of wells. Some of them don't even work. Also rrask goes into the water so the kids have pick up trash.Then kids have to walk 3 kilometers to school. I found so intersting that some kids try to fix the wells but they don't have the supplies.

  15. I really liked learning about these teenagers. It made me want to go and help them!! Mabey we can help them with their wells and rebuild some, or raise money so they can do the building them selves. I have to drive about 2 miles to get to school, but they have to ride there bike 3 kilometers. The 18 year old kid supports his WHOLE family. All the videos made me feel sooooooo spoiled, I want to do all I can do to help them.

  16. The first video was very cool and taught me allot . Like how the kids in the school do videos and thats just like us. I also like how they have water and they have many people in there tribe.
    The second video was cool as well, because she had technology but it was not a developed country.
    The third video was like the first, but i liked it more because it had more to learn about. and the faced that that little kid was a teacher.

  17. The Videos were very sad and some of the parts where pretty cool. I really didn't think that they actually had computers. The part where they said that they hardly had water was sad. I could not believe that the 18 year old was a teacher of computer.

  18. I thought seeing the lifes of these chlideren were really cool. One part that I thought was very sad was when the three little toddlers were bathing with a bucket, while that man had to pump that thingy on the back of the thing. Also seeing where that one girl sleped was very sad because she had to sleep under a holey net. I wonder why??? I hope we can learn more about these people in are studies thesse next few weeks!

    Lexie L :)

  19. From each of the videos, I thought it would be fun to live there. But I think it is very sad that alot of there water pumps don't work and people have to bathe like that. After seeing those videos I think everyone should be thankful that we have a clean water supply. Also I wish that there was some way we could help.

  20. In the first video I found it sad that there were only a limited number of wells there and some were broken but all the kids still said they were happy living how they were. In the second video I found it cool how the girls daily rotuine wasn't much diferent than kids here in the U.S. In the third vedio unlike the second I found out that some teenagers lifes are different than here because this boy was only seventeen and already teaching students and other clases

  21. In the first video, the boy told us how they were running low on water and some of the wells are broken. In the second video, the girl told us all about her daily life. I noticed she was on a very tight routine. In the last video, the boy's life was so much different than ours. He's 18 years old and is teaching, in the US, 18 year olds are still learning!

  22. I thought it was sad to hear about the bad water supply and that some of the wells there were brokenand when the boy and his cousin tried to fix them they didn't have the right supplies to. And in the second video the girls life wasn't so different from ours and I didn't know that they had computers. In the third video i fealt bad for the teenager because at that age trying to help at home with cooking and farming but then having to go to the school there and teach computer classes must be really hard to do.


  23. ok in the begining of the 3 films it was all sad for me because it had showed where they live and how they like. But the first vidio was was how a boy was taking about how they little town is running low on their water suplies and fast. The second one was about a girl who was taking care of her little niece and nephew and how every day she went to school she would leave get some food and pick up her niece and get ready for dinner. But last but not leat the last one was about an 18 YEAR PLD KID who was a TEACHER. This one was my favorite because once they were vidioing their class i saw those little computers on the Froot By The Foot i was like awwwwww. I had always thought that those were fake but they are not but that is al i ahve to say so vye :D
    Sara S.
